Sunday, December 26, 2010

Invisible City

So this semester I started taking some graphic design classes and I guess they were cool. But this is my final fro Photoshop 1. You had to make a poster for an event happening in Oklahoma, real or fake. So I made this. I wasn't feeling the text so I took that junk off. It is'nt great but I still like the color scheme I created for it. Hope you guys do as well.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Is Just Another Day

Why spend it with family when I can work on projects/homework. And that's exactly what I am doing. To me it is just another day. Yea, you should spend it with loved ones but if they are that important then why not spend more than one day cause it "seems right". CHERISH IT PEOPLE.

Awesome screenwriting homework I still haven't turned in. Thanks Greg for the B.
And don't listen to that musical artist. I don't think your ears can handle the "amazingness".
Also, please don't read. I am just throwing stuff together to get my grade higher. If you've taken a screenwriting class with Greg Mellott then you'll understand what I mean.

Friday, December 24, 2010


So for some reason in the Oklahoma City area, if you pursue an art, your considered a "Hipster". Well that is really gay. I really hate people that come up to me with some band or something that is trendy but really has been around for a year or so. Perfect example is the rising popularity with Ariel Pink. Cause, even though I listen to that shit four years ago, everyone has just started to tell me about him like I'm an idiot.

To me Hipster has been beaten to death. Especially since Hipster Runoff has pretty much popularized and demolished it with his satirical writing towards the sub-group of America.

So for the last couple years I've been trying to start the group "Artsters". And yes, googling it comes up with results. But, 3 years ago me and my friends googled it and nothing. But the reason to do this is to describe the trendy artists that are not quite hip with society, but their attitudes suck like hipsters. And since hipsters like to look but not do the act of creating since they are too busy "pounding" back 4loko. I know plenty "Artsters" and I am sure everyone else does. This people include your standard "everything is for art", your " I draw shitty stuff but my friends tell me it's good so I pursue it", and the dreaded "acting deep when your really not." Such as critiquer's who suck at everything.

"Don't bother my creative process please"

Sk8ng' in an art form people. Though destruction of spots is creation of gnart (gnarly art)"

Oh and my favorite type of artsters. The "I have a camera somewhere so I am a photographer"

"Hey take a pic of me acting like I'm taking a pic for my default broski"

"Photoshoppers" also are included. But btw, Have a great Christmas Everyone.
And if you want these photos taken off, cause I sure know I stole these off of their facebooks. Too bad. I'm not going too. This is just what everone else is thinking too.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cluster Mash Up

For the few readers out there that keep up probably don't know, I am a Film and Video Major. And for me, one of the main things I want to direct is Music Videos. And you know what is even better than finding an artist in the height of their discovery via Blogs. And hearing a great song by them, which inspires you with a vivid idea for a music video. But when you search up and see if there is already one. You discover a bunch of old movies Mashd' into a huge cluster fuck with their song over it. Yea, that was cool a year ago. But when everyone and their deceased mother are doing this and are being praised, it is real irritating. Yea, a lot of work went into it. I Guess.

1. Watch movie.
2. Import into Final Cur/Adobe Premiere/ Avid if you suck.
3. Chop that shit up in an irregular fashion.
4. Import song into timeline.
5. Get shitty ass Vimeo Staff Pick.

These are the only mash ups I respect.

Good Song. Just Mashn' to the beat. Yea, Cool Footage, but I would like to see something more "creative" I guess.

Twin Shadow - Castles In The Snow Directed by Jamie Harley from Twin Shadow on Vimeo.

Favorite Artist Of Right Now. Too Bad there is a mash up for each song. Had an idea I wanted to approach him with.
These ones are actually kind of cool visuals though so it is kind of cool but still. Give someone else a chance dude.

COM TRUISE - Iwywaw from AAVV on Vimeo.

Com Truise - Cyanide Sisters (Extended) from David Romanski on Vimeo.

Whatever. Does anyone even care/understand? Probably not. But, these are not nearly as bad as this shit.

Sleigh Bells "Infinity Guitars" from Phil Pinto on Vimeo.

If you think I am hateful cause I expressed myself on the Mash up Genre, or as I call it, the failure bowl of creativity. Go take it to the comments or just act irate in person next time you see me.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Biding Farewell

So as everyone that skates and maybe most local artists have probably heard that Arockalypse Skateshop is closing. I am "kinda" bummed on it. Everyone that works there is a good friend of mine and it is sad to see them try and help what little Oklahoma Skate Scene there is but in return nothing great came out. Even with the On Deck Artshows they organized, it seemed the artists included didn't care.
Jeff Maines, Owner and Founder has helped me a little in life here in Oklahoma. He let me organize this.

Check these people out that were in it.

Scott Sullivan

Trevor Vaughan

Josh Vaughan

Cody Clark

Michael Walters

It wasn't too great of a turn out but it let me show work with some of my closest friends and that was cool I guess. But hearing this news kind of got me thinking about how it got to the point of going under. And then I started to think about my contributions to the shop. And yes, they were minimal. But when you are being treated like some loser by the local shop because your not hopping on the nearest park handrail. Why should you help them. And yes, I doubt others contributed more than me. Always trying to get "Hooked" up cause they can "Tre Flip" on flatground. My point is that this came as no surprise. I've been going there for all four years they were open and in return I am based on skating abilities than personality. And yea, I bet I am not liked by anyone, but if you own a shop, don't tell me I'm not "Good" enough to flow a deck after I've bought eight in 2 months.
Whatever, maybe I'm being harsh, but when you buy from a shop and try to help it more than the "Star Rider" does, but you are the one treated like garbage. Why care. And since I'm on subject, Skaters here in OKC are awful. Yes, I have made a few good friends out of it. But everyone else, you suck. I regret skating cause I met all these people. And quit acting like you guys are good. You haven't gone somewhere yet, so that probably means your not going anywhere at all. I hope you guys are offended cause now you can see how I've felt for four years.


So I don't know if the few readers of this have been keeping track over at Lamar+Nik, but we finished our set. I have been slacking. Internet is real slow at my house so posting takes forever. But here is the video.

Here is the link to all the videos. I would post them but "Blogger" is real gay and formats shit all crappy. And since I dropped Web Design I don't know what to do so here it is


And remember to check Lamar+Nik regularly. Can't wait to finish this video. Will be tight yo'.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anti - Klymaxx

This stuff is Legit. It's from Jared Rudichuck out of Tulsa. He skates and he's tight. Check the art and be wow'd yo'

Fav's Yo.

As you can see, they're all pretty amazing. He is rad and so is the work. Me writing some nonsense is probably taking away from it but I thought these were very well worth posting.


Here is a cool Graffiti blog out of Oklahoma. Author, unknown.

High On Gold

Graffiti is really tight. I have a lot of respect towards all the street artists based here. I just like how some like to pass off others work as garbage cause it isn't street related. Yea, I understand my work is god awful but I am not the only one that thinks this. I've talk to many others that are actually talented and they said they've felt this way also.
Whatever, you may think I am being an asshole but the other styles of art and other artist here seem they don't get enough notoriety when they should. I get that some of the people getting up do crazy shit. But then some people do garbage, but just cause they got some crazy spot they are some amazing artist. Who cares really. I think I lost what the meaning of this post was after the link.
I think I am going to start doing graffiti. I am going to tag Dick Bag. Or better yet, I am just gong to sign other peoples work with their info. Such as name, P.O. Box, Address, Facebook URL, Wiener Size, Etc. That would be considered "Art" right?
This post will probably make a lot of people hate me but oh well. I doubt anyone liked me to begin with. If someone has a problem with this post then just punch me please. But do "Artist's" fight Or do they repress it and show it in their work.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hipastamatic: The Birth Of No Talent Talent

So everyone is really into these shitty Hipstamatic photos from "The Hipstamatic App" on iPhone. I really like how people now consider themselves "Artist's" and "Photographers" cause this god-awful thing. The only time I could respect this is if the person was shooting down the barrel of a gun right before the trigger was pulled.

Look! This young man captured the emotional feeling of his macbook dock.

"Just making the bone-zone a little more appealing".

"Don't mind me, Just sitting on my favorite bucket. Being different. Ya' Kno'"

Your not an artist. Your an imbecile for claiming your one.
Am I being too harsh? Stop me if so. I know how "Artist's" are. Very emotional. Maybe it is just me, but I just hate how every asshole thinks they are an amazing photographer cause the resolution of their camera. And also for people shooting video. Don't come tell me that "This shit is so sick" I don't care. You just look like an asshole filming with that thing.

Maybe I am doing this alittle late, but whatevs.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Best Check It Yo'

Best Music I've Heard in awhile

Go and download his two EP's for free. Highly worth it.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

In the works.

For about 2 months. I suck. So does phone photo's. Enjoy.

But this don't suck.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Working with Directing Duo Lamar High and Nik Harper a.k.a Lamar+Nik to create a music video for Chicago based band Houses. Go to Lamar+Nik for more detalis. (The photos I tried to steal are to small to post) But here is the song. Listen and love it!

And here is a link to the last thing we did.


Digi World

Just made this with some photo's I stole. Hope you enjoy. Also thanks to who ever I stole these from.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This blog was started to post things about my art and the endeavors I have been working in lately. I hope it will please you. And I hope these images from my portfolio will also. Hopefully I can keep adding to this.